Below you will find some resources that we have found helpful.
From videos to books on classical, Christian education we recommend, to podcasts and websites, we hope you enjoy these resources and find them as useful as we have.


Recommended Reading
- An Introduction to Classical Education: A Guide for Parent (pdf) by Cristopher A. Perrin
- The Case For Classical Christian Education by Douglas Wilson
- The Lost Tools of Learning by Dorthy Sayers
- Classical Education & the Homeschool by Callihan, Jones, and Wilson
- Why Christian Kids Need A Christian Education by Douglas Wilson
- The Paideia of God by Douglas Wilson
- Standing on the Promises by Douglas Wilson
Christ Fellowship Church weekly sermons.
Plodcast In the
The Theopolis Podcast Theopolis Institute teaches men and women to lead cultural renewal by renewing the church. Participants in our various programs—our courses, conferences, and publications—will gain competence to read the Bible imaginatively, worship God faithfully, and engage the culture intelligently.
Cross Politic (Christ over politics) mixes the taboo formula of faith, culture, and politics to bring the clarity of the gospel into muddle America. We are a community of Christians who desire to see the Lordship of Christ in every corner of our culture, reigning over every politician, and changing every individual for our good and His glory.
Basecamp Live will equip you, the parent, grandparent, educator, or mentor, to climb that biggest mountain. Our guests are some of the top thought leaders, culture watchers, and educational experts. They are familiar with the obstacles you’ll encounter on that uphill climb. They will offer you the tools you’ll need to